What this web page is about
For more than 6.000 years now the fate of humanity has been driven by the principle of (positive) interest rates on money. The waypath the civilisation process has passed so far suggests in respect to the uncountable and horrible clashes between nations, cultures and people and in respect on how we treat the other life forms on Earth that humans nature is evil in the deep end.
But I don't believe that.
I believe that the best time in our history is about to come - sooner than later. The interest rates in economically leading countries on Earth are very low, and amongst their leaders a very old, but so far weak and quite spirit of the good of mankind is becoming awake and louder. For the first time in history we are technically able to achieve a revolutionary transition in our monetary systems, which for a long time has been foreseen by the most awake of us.
After the fall of men between 9.000 b.C. (Goebekli Tepe archaeological site) and 3760. b.C. (Jewish Calendar), i.e. the discovery of the principle of positive interest rates, in the oldest times Buddha named the state of being after Samsara, which is the cycle of rebirth, suffering and dying again, ends Nirvana.
The old Jews called the singularity in time that we are approaching the End of Days on the edge of the Otherworld.
Jesus called the other half of our reality the Kingdom of God, and Mohammed named it Islam.
Since the breakdown of the Roman Empire in Europe countless monchs, priests, theologists and other clerics, among them Martin Luther, in his Doctrine of Two kingdoms , have seen it, and since the Foundation of the United States of America and the French Revolution also atheist non-religious scientists, for instance François Quesnay in his famous Tableau économique (1758), discovered a world beyond capitalism based on the principle of negative interest rates.
The vision of Karl Marx must be aligned to the religious visions of the other world in order to keep the development of a unifying theory that is logically consistent and based on all knowledge on this world and the coming world. It was Marx's achievement to lay down the basis to scientifically analyze capitalism and its impact on society, but his theory was incomplete.
So the early sociologists of the beginning 20th century, the founders of German sociology worked hard to fill the huge gaps in Marx's theory from 1848. In 1900 Georg Simmel published Philosophy Of Money, where he took up Marx's crude and underdeveloped theory on money and developed it further.
In 1907 Joseph Schumpeter published his famous textbook Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie and therewith layed the basis for his later works. In Theory of Ecoonomic Development he identified 1912 the principle of positive interest with capitalism:
Two years later, in 1914, Max Weber published The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (pdf) where he revealed and exposed the deep relationships between religious asceticism and economic reason caused by scarcity, which in fact is induced by the effects of positive interest rates on markets. For him, the best approach to what he called the spirit of capitalism was given by Benjamin Franklins sermon or educational indoctrination starving with the famous „Time is Money” in "Advice to a Young Tradesman" from 1748. But despite the condensed and publically broadcasted knowledge on the economic, social and psychological effects of money and interest rates the world tumbled into world war I.
After the war world financial stability recovered, but the world was already heading the next crisis, the world economic crisis 1929, which affected whole Europe. The states and communities suffered from debts, economic starvation and stagnation. It was Silvio Gesell, who was the first man in modern history, who described in The Natural Economic Order (pdf: english translation from 1957) a way to technically realize Jesu Kingdom of God (Luke 6:[27-35]) - probably without knowing it. After publishing The Theory of Interest in 1930 Irving Fisher spent the last 13 years of his life trying to convince political leaders of the benfits of negative interest rates as Gesell and he suggested them.
But again, it was too late. The ultimate evil took control resulting in the horrific blood shed of world war II and the shoa. In exil during the war Joseph Schumpeter reminded us in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942) that Jesu Kingdom of God is thinkable and already close.
Since the second world war theorists have been hiding their research on the left half of monetary policy. The system theorists (Humberto Maturana, Francisco_Varela, Heinz von Foerster et al.) have been developing the theory of systems emerging from the condition of double contingency.
The social system (Talcott Parsons, Niklas Luhmann, Peter Kruse, et al.) emerging from that condition is what Jesus named Kingdom of Heaven, respectively the Kingdom of God, where 'heaven' is a metaphor for theory!
After the financial crisis 2007/2008 the Occupy Wallstreet Movement put forward profound and general criticism of capitalism, its ideology and its monetary principle of positive interest rates. Up to date I don't know any other person speaking English and describing precisely like Charles Eisenstein what must and will happen.
I believe that no one on Earth will ever in his or her lifetime see again rising key interest rates in the so called 1st World!
I have no doubt that in all regions of Earth visions of another world has been existing since the early days. We are about to put all these visions of a world beyond capitalism together, in order to create a just, healthy and happy world not only for humans, but for all life on Earth.
This page is under construction. If you speak German, you can find more detailed information on what is going to develop here on www.tim-deutschmann.de.